
Snob Appeal Can Backfire ...

Using snob appeal in your marketing is similar to the use of humor. It's risky unless you really know what you're doing. For instance, the wealth-seekers or newly rich might react positively to the word "envy" ... while the generationally rich would consider it gauche.

Effective status appeals are different for those who have "status" versus those who are seeking it. Bold and blatant may work best to the "have nots" ... understatement to the "haves." There there are the "in-betweens." It's a difficult appeal to pull off successfully if you can't pinpoint the precise type of prospect with whom you'll be communicating.

If you do choose to use status appeal, here's a general truth: Those who DON'T already have it, DO talk about it. Those who DO have it (and have had it for some time), DON'T talk about it. It's the old don't-do, do-don't rule.

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