
Should you mail a brochure ... solo?

It's not uncommon for dentists to use their practice brochure as a mailing piece. There's nothing wrong with that UNLESS you mail it solo ... alone ... all by itself.

In over 20 years of direct response experience, I'm not aware of a single test where a brochure-0nly mailing beat a letter-only (or a letter plus brochure) mailing. So, if you're going to make an envelope mailing, opt to include a professionally created letter (or letter and brochure) and not a brochure-only.

Why would a letter outpull a brochure?

Because a letter looks and feels more personal ... it's perceived as a warmer, me-to-you communication. And when written appropriately, it can evoke a reader's emotions ... a good thing when you're trying to entice a response.

Conversely, a brochure is perceived as more cold and impersonal.

What if you want to use the brochure as a self-mailer (no envelope)? Ideally you'd use one or two of the brochure panels to graphically create a letter look-alike ... using sales letter copy. It's unlikely to be AS effective as a stand-alone letter and brochure but it will likely draw more response than the brochure copy alone.

Copyright 2007 by Galen Stilson

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