
New Patients Require Extra Attention

This is true particularly if these new patients come from external marketing.

Why would they need special attention?

Here are a few reasons ...

1. New patients do not have an established relationship with you or your staff yet ... and a good relationship is what usually bonds a patient to a dentist (and staff).

2. New patients often sport a shoppers mentality the first few times they visit your office. They're deciding whether you are worth their investment of time, money and trust.

Most of your new patients have likely left another dentist to give you a try (often enticed by marketing). So, you know up front that these people will not be blindly loyal to you ... and that they will not hesitate to leave if not happy.

3. New patients are looking for you to deliver on your marketing promises. If you promise a caring, friendly staff ... they'll be looking for and expecting that. If you promise (or infer) low pricing ... they'll be measuring your price against what they perceive to be low. If you promise on-time appointments, they'll be checking their watches in the waiting room.

You must deliver on what you promise in your marketing material or new patients will vanish as quickly as they appear.

So, what kind of special attention should you show your new patients?

Here's the full article ...

Copyright 2007 by Galen Stilson

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